Spring photoshoot with talented stylist

This spring, we joined forces with the talented tablescape stylist, Jakub Lipa, who created four different table settings for us with our glassware pieces. Jakub told us some of his secrets and inspirations.

„The planning process varies each time, with inspiration coming from various sources. However, I like to start with a mood board to kick-start the whole creative concept process. I always get a  centerpiece around which everything unfolds (wreaths, moss, bows, colour combination...).

Mossy Tablescape

This was the first setting we photographed. Jakub aimed to capture the transition from winter to the awakening of spring. Inspiration began in nature, when snowdrops and the first spring bulbs begin to peek out as the snow melts.

We ended up using the moss for two table settings. One with more forest aesthetic and second more bright, vibrant and sunny.

The rusticity and rawness of the entire tablescape were highlighted by the herbarium of snowdrops on the wall and the wooden accessories. The finishing touch—mushrooms made from glasses and small bowls—was Jakub's brilliant idea!
Crystal Linea Carafe - KLIMCHI

Lilac - Citrine Tablescape

Perhaps the most spring-like colour combination from our portfolio. The process here was the complete opposite, and it was all set up by the glass itself. Lilac and citrine make a beautiful contrast, they go well together and something just drew me to them. The accessories were a simple birch wreath tied by myself with an xxl bow (I like big bows and I cannot lie) and little bows on the glasses tied the whole thing together." Jakub commented.
Citrine Hobnail Jug - KLIMCHI

The Willow Tablescape

Jakub shared his vision:Spring inevitably ends with the greening of the whole of nature and so here the process began with the colour green itself. Thus, I created green jalousie wreaths and tied them together, creating a focal point to illustrate the entire scene."

He chose a stemware in a soft pink shade that perfectly complemented the wildness of the willow twigs.

Can you catch glimpses of the new design we're working on?

Violet Tablescape

The whole idea formed when we took Jakub to our warehouse where he saw how shades of purple and pink looked beautiful together. 

I like to use things a little differently than originally intended, so turning the vases "upside down" created an egg-shaped centerpiece around which the entire tablescape was created."

Violet Hobnail Jug Tall - KLIMCHI
Violet Hobnail Jug Tall - KLIMCHI
Violet Hobnail Tumblers Tall - KLIMCHI
Which tablescape is your favourite?

Featured product

SHADOWS <br> High Ball Glass in Cloudless Clear <br> (Set of 2) - KLIMCHI

Designed by Frantisek Jungvirt

High Ball Glass in Cloudless Clear
(Set of 2)
